무배당 보험 보험비교견적어플 메리츠 알파플러스보장보험

by 안전한 약속



Now its the age of 100 years! If you want to welcome this age of 100 years, try solving all your worries with a reasonable comprehensive insurance subscription! Comprehensive insurance is an insurance that can comprehensively manage and guarantee major diseases that are necessary for the person, and is an appropriate product to prepare for various risks. In addition, comprehensive insurance is a product that allows you to take care of other protection products such as cancer or nursing care insurance in addition to actual expenses. Thanks to this, management is easy and you can prepare for lower insurance premiums compared to when you signed up for all protection products. We help you to check the integrated insurance of major insurance companies in Korea, including Meritz, at a glance without looking anywhere. From comparison quote inquiry to subscription, solve everything with one app!◆Introduction of real-time insurance premium comparison estimate APP (non-dividend insurance insurance comparison estimate application Meritz Alpha Plus Guarantee Insurance)◆◇ Check the integrated insurance products of major domestic insurance companies at a glance◇You can check the integrated insurance premium inquiry of major insurance companies in Korea by simply entering information◇Free future planning with professional counselors◇You can solve it directly until you sign up!Start designing a safe future today!※Things to be aware of◇When subscribing to an insurance contract, be sure to check the insurance product name, insurance period, premium payment period, insured person, etc., and check the product description and insurance terms and conditions on the Internet, etc., or receive an explanation from a planner or counselor after receiving it.◇ In the process of canceling the existing insurance contract and signing a new insurance contract, subscription may be rejected or rejected due to disease history, age increase, etc., or insurance premiums may increase.◇ In the process of canceling the existing insurance contract and signing a new insurance contract, other disadvantages such as application of a new insurance payment limitation period and limitation of coverage may occur depending on the subscription product.